Ethics of Success: From Ideological and Moral Doctrine to Project-oriented Specification in Values of High Professions


  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovky Industrial University of Tyumen



ethics of success, innovation paradigm of applied ethics, moral choice, professional ethics, technology of humanitarian expertise


Within the project-oriented specification and ethical-ideological doctrine the problematization of ethics of success is actualized by the success value crisis. On the one hand, there is an extent and fineness of the achievability pathos; on the other hand, there is massification of “escape from success”. The evidentness of the crisis is in the alternative of moral choice: a desire for success at any cost or “escape from success" to avoid a situation of success at any cost. Is it rational in this situation to actualize the ethics of success (in ethical-praxeological and worldview aspects), which constitutes a moral justification for success motivation and aspiration for the height of success as well as to cultivates pride of achievements and sets decent benchmarks (but at the same time, to formulates required restrictions)? Today, the ethics of success can become a driver for development of regulatory and value systems of different professions, which, in its turn, should become a driver for development of society-wide morality. This article examines paths of the domestic ethics of success doctrine. The emergence of the doctrine is associated with the start of post-perestroika modernization of Russia, with ambition to raise a role of success value to its participation in the formation of value-emphasized variants of the national-wide idea. The stage of conceptual development of the doctrine occurs in the process of its application (specification) to the new (for the post-Soviet situation) regulatory and value subsystems of a rational morality of the becoming civil society (ethics of professional success, ethics of success in politics and business, etc.). The stage of the development of the doctrine is associated with the ethical mastery of the achievability orientation in such professional fields as upbringing, journalism, scientific and educational activities. Today, the innovative potential of the doctrine, i. e. the project-oriented specification of the ethics of success in high professions, has been activated. The experience of the implementation in a cultivation of value of success has been shown by the example of development of the professor ethics and the engineer ethics. One of the ways of the specification is the technology of humanitarian expertise in the format of “rector's seminar” is developed within the innovation paradigm.

Author Biography

  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovky, Industrial University of Tyumen

    Higher Doctorate (Habilitation), Professor, Director, Applied Ethics Research Institute (AERI)







How to Cite

Ethics of Success: From Ideological and Moral Doctrine to Project-oriented Specification in Values of High Professions. (2019). Eticheskaya Mysl’ | Ethical Thought, 16(2), 123-141.