The Idea of Designing a Professional and Ethical Code: A Worldview level


  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovky Applied Ethics Research Institute. Industrial University of Tyumen



professional and ethical code, worldview level of the code, moral choice, service in the profession, professionalism, doing the work right – doing the right work, ethics of the profession, ethics of corporation-organization


The article is focused on the idea of designing the worldview level of professional and ethical codes and the experience of its implementation. The task of this “trans-normative” level consists in the sense and value orientation of the high profession and the rationale for the content of the normative level, the constitutuion of its hierarchy. The main subjects of the article are original codes of university and journalistic ethics, the method of researching / designing the worldview level of two institutions of professional ethics – the Tyumen Ethical Media Convention and the Professional and Ethical Code of the Tyumen State Oil and Gas University.

The article describes the following elements of the worldview level of the code: moral choice; service in the profession; professionalism that presuppose not only doing the work right, but also doing the right work in terms of the high mission of the profession; alignment and retention of the ethics balance of the profession and ethics of the corporation-organization, by its nature fraught with the suppression of individual professional and moral choices.

Author Biography

  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovky, Applied Ethics Research Institute. Industrial University of Tyumen

    доктор философских наук, профессор, директор







How to Cite

The Idea of Designing a Professional and Ethical Code: A Worldview level. (2019). Eticheskaya Mysl’ | Ethical Thought, 18(1), 146-157.