Analytics of Shame and Conscience


  • Вoris V. Мarkov St. Petersburg State University



guilt, shame, conscience, responsibility, violence, law and justice, history and psychohistory of society, historical memory, facts, values and assessments


Another crisis of morality is expressed in the fact that the reality in which we exist has changed and it no longer corresponds to the prevailing notions of the bad and the good. There are many situations in which moral orientation faces difficulties. In the performance of the official duties dictated by the maintenance of the system, we often come into conflict with people who are guided by traditional notions of good and evil. Most often, such contra­dictions arise between citizens and government employees, and are discussed through busi­ness examples. We see conflicts caused by the possibilities of new technologies, such as ge­netic engineering, which see a threat to individual autonomy, freedom of choice and other human values. Now it came to medicine and education. Today doctors and teachers are em­ployees of the institutions for providing paid services. We can talk about alienation here, but it does not affect the economy that determines the actions of the government, and the strug­gle for consumer rights only camouflages this dependence. It is necessary to bring out the conflicting interests of different subsystems of society, discuss them publicly and construct ethics in line with the least-evil tactics.

Author Biography

  • Вoris V. Мarkov, St. Petersburg State University

    Dr. habil. in philosophy




