The Innovative Paradigm of Applied Ethics: A Mission (Not)Feasible?


  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovsky Industrial University of Tyumen
  • Marina V. Bogdanova Industrial University of Tyumen



innovative paradigm of applied ethics, project-oriented knowledge, moral choice, mission


The article examines the project-oriented potential of the conceptual direction “Innovative paradigm of applied ethics”, which was formed in Russia in the second half of the XX and early XXI centuries. The basis of this direction is formed by theoretical ethical knowledge, project-oriented knowledge for the purposeful transformation of “small systems”, phronesis (that is the ability to understand and interpret the situation at hand and decide about appropriate actions). The main issue under discussion is the relevance of the project-oriented potential of applied ethics in the knowledge of modern situations of moral choice. The experience of applying the project-oriented potential of the innovative paradigm of applied ethics in the context of the transformation of a Russian university is analyzed. Experience, which is presented on the pages of the journal “Semestrial Papers Applied Ethics”. The dynamics of the features of the application of ethical and applied knowledge to the study of changing situations is fixed: theoretical comprehension of new situations of moral choice; recognition of choice alternatives; project-oriented impact on the value-normative system; humanitarian examination of the conflict interaction of value systems. It is concluded that the mission of the innovative paradigm of applied ethics from the point of view of its project-oriented potential is feasible when applied to situations of uncertainty in moral choice, when there is a request from the acting subject for humanitarian expertise, consulting and project activities. In the absence of a situation of moral choice, with a decrease in the possibility of self-determination of the acting subject, and a reduction in the sphere of his responsibility, the mission of the innovative paradigm of applied ethics is hardly feasible. At the same time, the nature of ethical issues in a changing society indicates a potential demand for project-oriented potential of applied ethics in the near future.

Author Biographies

  • Vladimir I. Bakshtanovsky, Industrial University of Tyumen

    Доктор философских наук, профессор

  • Marina V. Bogdanova, Industrial University of Tyumen

    Доктор социологических наук







How to Cite

The Innovative Paradigm of Applied Ethics: A Mission (Not)Feasible?. (2021). Eticheskaya Mysl’ | Ethical Thought, 21(2), 143-155.