The Mechanisms of the Golden Rule of Morality and the Economic Policy of Today’s Russia


  • Lidiya V. Zhukovskaya Центральный экономико-математический Институт РАН



the Golden Rule, economic doctrine, strategic decisions, national metasystem, economic, legal and social macrosystems, control and managed systems, balance, equilibrium, Berger equilibrium, Nash equilibrium, strategies, socially important goals, population


The article analyzes the interaction of national economic, legal and social macrosystems as a complex metasystem, justifies and solves the problem of their balance (equilibrium) based on the Berger equilibrium concept, which is a mathematical reflection of the Golden Rule of Morality. The influence of morality, understood in the sense of Kant’s imperative or the Golden Rule of Morality, close to it, on the process of strategic decision-making in the national complex metasystem is considered. A Nash equilibrium model of the three considered macrosystems is described as a reflection of the currently applied neoliberal economic doctrine. Using systems theory and game theory an alternative to it moral-philo­sophical economic doctrine (based on the Golden Rule of Morality) is substantiated. Rele­vant is the description of the model of system equilibrium of the complex metasystem on the basis of the Golden Rule of Morality to determine effective strategic decisions under conditions of uncertainty in the social sphere, which reflects the ideas of building a social state. The research is multidisciplinary as it uses synthesis of scientific approaches of sys­tems analysis, philosophical ethics, economics, law, sociology, game theories, manage­ment and systems.

Author Biography

  • Lidiya V. Zhukovskaya, Центральный экономико-математический Институт РАН

    Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences







How to Cite

The Mechanisms of the Golden Rule of Morality and the Economic Policy of Today’s Russia. (2022). Eticheskaya Mysl’ | Ethical Thought, 22(1), 51-67.