For the sake of objectivity, all materials submitted to the journal undergo the procedure of double-blind peer review. Peer review is the process of obtaining advice on individual manuscripts from reviewers ’expert in the field. The name and place of work of the author is not known to reviewers or members of the editorial Board. Reviewers and members of the editorial Board are not known to the author. Each work is evaluated by two reviewers independently. Members of the editorial Board or outside experts may participate in the review. It is the responsibility of the editorial Board to select reviewers who have the necessary competence to evaluate the work and do not have a conflict of interest in relation to the work under consideration. Papers of the members of the editorial Board published in the journal are reviewed on the same basis. The review procedure consists of the following stages.

  1. Initial check of the manuscript for compliance with the journal's aim and scope and formal requirements. In case of a negative decision regarding the consideration of the paper, the author receives a refusal message.
  2. The paper accepted for consideration is sent to two reviewers. The reviewing duties may be taken up by members of the editorial Board or external experts. All reviewers are experts on the subject of peer-reviewed materials, have a degree of at least candidate of Sciences and are not in scientific, financial or any other relationships with the authors. Review of papers is carried out on a voluntary and free of charge basis. The review is carried out anonymously: the names of the author and reviewers are not disclosed to each other.
  3. Each reviewer follows the principles set out in the Statement on ethical standards of publication.
  4. The editorial board receives two reviews for each article:
  • If there are two positive reviews, the paper is accepted by the editorial Board for further publication.
  • In case of two negative reviews, the paper is rejected, and the editors notify the author.
  • In case of disagreement between the two reviewers, the editorial Board makes a final decision as a result of additional internal review of the work or involves a third reviewer.
  • If one or two reviewers believe that the publication of the paper is possible after a significant revision, the author re-submits the revised paper in a predetermined time. The revised paper is necessarily accompanied by the author's response to the reviewer in the form of a separate cover letter. The editorial Board makes a final decision on the publication or rejection of the paper on the basis of how well the author takes into account the comments of reviewers.

      5. The editorial Board stores reviews for 5 years. The editors send the authors of submitted manuscripts copies of reviews or a well-argued refusal.